Carrying excess weight can raise your risk for serious conditions like Chronic back pain, Knees pain, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Weight loss programs with Dr. Ibrahim of Donya Pain and Wellness Center can help you lower these risks through lifestyle changes, nutrition plans, and Vitamins.
To learn what medical weight loss program best suits your goals, needs, preferences, and lifestyle, call Donya Pain and Wellness Center, or book a consultation online today, which is fast and easy
request an appointmentHow do I know if I need to lose weight?
If your doctor recommends weight loss, there’s a good chance you’re at risk for obesity-related conditions, such as hypertension, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes. You may also benefit from slimming down if you’re hungry, feel physically uncomfortable, or have been steadily gaining weight.
What treatments help with weight loss?
Treatments that help with weight loss include:
Lifestyle modifications:
Making changes to your eating habits and exercise regimen supports healthy weight loss. Dr. Ibrahim can make nutrition recommendations and works with you to develop a plan suited to your health needs and goals.
Exercise is an integral part of wellness and weight maintenance. Most days, about 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise is adequate for many people. Aim to stay moderately active, allowing your body to rest as well.
Diet management:
Diet management and choose the right diet and portion size are important steps towards your goal in weight loss.
Certain Vitamins help with weight loss:
Combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, Vitamins therapy can support healthy weight loss. For example, you may benefit from vitamin infusion therapy if you are deficient in specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. We offer specific vitamins therapies designed to help you loss weight by burning fat and produre more energy, improve your metabolism and circulation.
1. Semaglutide Injection … FDA approved once a week IM injection for 4 months.
2. B – Lean IV Infusion therapy helps to burn fat quickly and produce more energy. It also helps with metabolism and circulation.
3. Lipo – Mino – Mix : This type of Vitamins mixture is given once a week intra muscularly to help burn fat and produce more energy.
4. Lipo – Trim SL: This type of vitamins mixture is given sub-lingualy daily to help burn fat and produce more energy.
5. The alpha lipoic acid infusion: works great for those with insulin resistance, helping to increase glucose metabolism. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) can also reduce the tingling and pain caused by peripheral neuropathy, improving mobility and quality of life.
5. NAD+ infusion therapy: for weight loss is an excellent choice. One of the biggest benefits is its impact on your metabolism and aging process. You need a good supply to break down food and stimulate weight loss. NAD + is an anti aging vitamin and it has many other benefits as well.
Are medical weight loss and nutrition programs effective?
A medical weight loss program can help if it supports your nutrition and wellness goals and feels reasonable to stick to or adapt for long-term maintenance.
Guidance from a qualified professional, such as Dr. Ibrahim, can help ensure your success, as can other steps, such as keeping a food journal, finding enjoyable ways to prepare nutritious food, and losing weight slowly to moderately. Extreme weight loss diets require medical supervision.
To learn more about the medical weight loss and nutrition services available, call Donya Pain and Wellness Center to schedule a consultation, or request one online today.